Simon Patterson

In my work with companies around the world, the goal of our clients is consistent: to help reinvent rewards programmes that are closely aligned to the organisation’s long-term business strategy, to drive shareholder value, and to help senior executives flourish in their leadership roles.


Simon Patterson is a managing director and head of the firm’s London office. He is actively engaged as advisor to the remuneration committees of several FTSE 100 companies and consults widely on executive compensation, incentive compensation design, and performance measurement.

Prior to Pearl Meyer, he founded Patterson Associates with a stream-lined team focused on delivering business results by linking remuneration and reward systems to business needs and increasing returns for shareholders. Prior to that, Mr. Patterson was the worldwide partner in charge of executive compensation in Mercer’s London office and the co-founder of SCA Consulting in Europe.

Mr. Patterson holds a BSc (Hons) from University College London and an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA.

  • Incentive Compensation Design
  • Executive Pay
  • Remuneration Governance
  • Strategic Reward
  • International Board Advisor
  • BSC, University College London
  • MBA, Anderson School, University of California, Los Angeles

Latest Knowledge Hub articles from Simon

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2023 CEO Value Index and Shareholder Voting

By ranking CEO’s ‘value for money’, and then looking at shareholder voting patterns, we wanted to find out whether shareholders simply focus on how much CEOs are paid, or whether they focus on the value delivered.

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Simon's latest blog posts

Neovation – Dialling Up Digital

This year’s Neovation Conference was fast-paced and interactive, and confronted many of the biggest challenges in the workplace today: how to use technology and data analytics to make ‘Reward’ compelling, valued and effective.

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Are U.S. CEOs paid too much?

The U.S. pays more for executive talent, so what? That’s quite a pill to swallow for the British because a great deal of effort has gone into controlling executive pay opportunity while ensuring it is strongly linked to performance...

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"What the heck is a NED?"

I was training one of our junior members of staff, and she asked what a Non-Executive Director (NED) does, and why? I thought this question was worth addressing.

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