About Rem.n

Remuneration Associates (“Rem.n”) was created when The London Team completed the transaction to complete a buyout of our international operations of our former company.

Why us?

Simon Patterson (Managing Director) and the team now fully own Remuneration Associates Limited – an independent remuneration consulting firm working with clients around the world. The firm builds upon and consolidates the legacy of the London operation.
Driving shareholder value

Linking executive pay to performance for some of the most successful organisations in the world. The difficult job of creating shareholder value - the primary motivation for senior executives - is our over-riding objective.

Helping executives flourish

Managing a world class management team is challenging, enthralling and lonely. We work in partnership with our clients as trusted advisors to ensure directors’ remuneration and their incentive compensation is both aligned with the market and sufficiently stretching.

Reinventing reward

We can help bring some calm and objective thinking to an often fast-moving debate, either at the remuneration committee, or between the principals of an organisation.

You have choices

but Rem.n is a new, serious, highly experienced service offering:

What makes us different is our combination of experience, independence and our focus on practical, timely outcomes.

  • Our experience is second to none
  • Our clients include some of the most demanding as well as some of the fastest growing clients in the world
  • We are independent: we don’t follow the herd
  • Our ownership structure is quite unique, and our success is not based upon links to a tax, legal, accounting or actuarial division.
  • We are not a cog in a large corporate machine.
  • We start from what’s needed, not what’s been done before.
  • We give frank and honest advice, tackling sometimes sensitive conversations that can arise when dealing with Board level pay

About Rem.n

Simon talks about the company, our typical clients and interactions and how we can help

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Describing a typical client

"We're often asked, what is a typical client?" Here, we provide some sense of the clients who have approached us in the past...

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Typical engagement

What does a typical engagement look like? Problems will typically be related to Incentive Compensation or Remuneration, in any broad sense. Our clients range from small to large, private to public. Our clients are often operating internationally. Here, we describe the process of engaging with you, our client: how do we start, what happens next?

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What problems do we solve

The symptoms which our clients often have, when they approach us, fall into five categories:
1. You cannot recruit the talent you need
2. Retention
3. Alignment between management's incentives and the shareholder's objectives
4. Growth
5. Technical support

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Do we make a difference?

The subject of executive pay (and how it is designed) is dry. But, designing incentives to motivate the right behaviours can make a huge difference to you, to society, to the planet.

Our team

Simon Patterson

Managing director

As Managing Director, Simon Patterson leads the team at Remuneration Associates (Rem.n), a specialty consulting firm focused on executive pay owned by the professional staff themselves. Formerly Pearl Meyer (London), the team have 35+ years of accumulated experience working together, they are actively engaged as advisors to remuneration committees of some of the largest and some of the fastest growing companies, globally. Mr Patterson and the team consult widely on executive compensation, incentive compensation design, and performance measurement.

Catherine Chadwick

Vice president

Vice president in Rem.n's London office. Catherine joined Rem.n in 2010 and works closely with remuneration committees and boards helping them to develop and implement effective remuneration strategies. She has extensive analytical experience including pay benchmarking, incentive design, performance metric selection and calibration, and communication.

Caitriona Flynn

Vice president

Caitriona Flynn, vice president at Rem.n, has more than 17 years professional experience across a broad client base of FTSE 350, AIM listed, private companies and not for profit, where roles have involved liaison with Remuneration Committees, HRD, and C - suite. A qualified Chartered Accountant by background, she spent her early career at PwC and then at Arthur Andersen, before specialising in Executive Compensation and Reward. Caitriona takes a lead role at Rem.n on the remuneration governance and regulatory aspects of senior level pay.

Alex Styles


Alex is a consultant in Rem.n's London office, having previously worked at Willis Towers Watson in their Executive Compensation team. Alex has a wide client base including FTSE 100, Private Equity, Venture Capital, and Publicly listed companies. This has included RemCo advisor appointments, incentive design, benchmarking, corporate governance updates, ESG research and M&A integration activities.

Victoria Iamoni


Victoria Iamoni is an analyst in Rem.n's London office, having previously worked at private equity firm Consilium SGR and fashion start-up FURious Fur.